Why learning to knit is like learning to play the French horn - thespinninghand

Why learning to knit is like learning to play the French horn

I started my career as a musician and music teacher.

My primary beliefs about music were (and still are):

  1. Anyone can play
  2. Classical music is NOT automatically superior to other kinds of music
  3. Learning music is like learning a language, including listening, babbling, speaking, reading, and writing.

No wonder I love my career in knitting so much -- it parallels my role as a music teacher.

Knitting class at the Craft Club in South Orange, NJ

What I believe about knitting

  1. Anyone can knit
  2. Knitting is NOT better than crochet
  3. Learning to knit includes seeing/absorbing inspiration, experimenting, reading patterns, and designing.

1. Anyone can knit

"I've never lost a student yet!" I tell my newbies. 

There are exceptions to the rule, of course. Some young children (and adults!) don't have the patience or interest to sit still and work through the clumsiness and frustration. Others may lose interest after the initial fun of learning something new with their friends.

On the other hand, some people take to knitting quickly. They seem to be "naturals," and outpace their peers. 

(Can you see the parallels to music here as well?)

2. Knitting is NOT better than crochet

I haven't personally seen a lot of snobbery against crochet. But I know it's out there! 

(I have seen a LOT of snobbery from my classical music professors and peers over the years. That is a topic for another day.)

When I worked at my local yarn shop, under the brilliant Meera K., crocheters and knitters alike were given equal billing. In fact, Meera reignited my passion for crochet. She introduced her customers to luscious confections crocheted in Alchemy silk, and jewel-like granny squares in endless combinations.

Knitters around the table at Knitknack
Today, I tell my students: knitting and crochet are two different tools (like two different musical instruments?)
Knitting will usually drape over the curves of our limbs the best, and crochet will usually provide the structure you desire for a basket, a coat, or an emotional support chicken nugget.
Sure, you can play the trumpet softly, with a Harmon mute. And you can beat the heck out of that triangle. But it's usually best to let the instruments shine naturally. 
Likewise, as in any group of people, cliques and hierarchies form. To knit English or continental? Is it ever OK to tie a knot in your yarn? Can you really call yourself a knitter if you don't know how to cable?

I hope you never encounter any snobbery or derision in the knitting community. But if you do, here's my coping mechanism: nod, smile, and if warranted, say "Bless your heart."

3. Learning to knit includes seeing/absorbing inspiration, experimenting, reading patterns, and designing.

OK, this might be a bit controversial... but I'm going to say it. 

  • If you NEVER deviate from a pattern;
  • If you don't even use patterns because you don't understand them; 
  • If you rush to your LYS for help every time you run into an issue;

Then you are still a half-baked knitter. You have room to grow!

In music we call it being "tied to the page." 

I remember being so surprised at Teachers College, when the art education students looked down on us music ed folks. In their minds, music wasn't a "real art" because we were only reproducing what other artists had written before.

Had they not met any jazz musicians or composers, I wonder?

I want you to become a fully-fashioned knitter, and that includes improvisation and design.

It takes practice to get to this level.

Your etudes are different stitch patterns.

Your sheet music equals different designs.

Knitting designers are your composers. 

I may have taken this metaphor too far 😂

In the next blog posts I'll talk about how to improvise and compose your knitting designs.

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